Logs Showing the single result Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Bulk Bags Hardwood Bulk Bags Softwood Barrow Bags (1⁄3 bulk bag) Hardwood Barrow Bags (1⁄3 bulk bag) Softwood Kindling Softwood Wicker Log Basket Gift Voucher for Wicker Log Basket Bulk Bags Hardwood An easy way for us to deliver logs in volume, bulk bags can be delivered on the back of a Hilux truck into a convenient location for you to fill using your own barrow, or we can barrow and stack for you for a small additional fee. £120.00 Quantity Delivery * Delivered Only* Bulk bag delivered to chosen location Barrowed and Stacked Choose this option if you would like us to stack the logs in a location other than initial delivery (+£20) Prices include 5% VAT for domestic use; please contact us for bulk purchasing and business use. *Please note: If you select ‘Delivered Only’ when placing your order, but need barrow and/or stacking when we arrive, you will be charged a £25 surcharge (payable before we unload) because we do not carry a barrow unless you have chosen our barrowed and stacked delivery option. Add to basket Out of stock Barrow Bags (1⁄3 bulk bag) Hardwood Barrow bags can be loaded into the back of your car or we can deliver to your home, and they can be easily moved to your stacking location with a sack or wheelbarrow. £65.00 Quantity Delivery * Delivered Loose Stacked on Arrival (+£5) Prices include 5% VAT for domestic use; please contact us for bulk purchasing and business use. *Please note: If you select ‘Delivered Only’ when placing your order, but need barrow and/or stacking when we arrive, you will be charged a £25 surcharge (payable before we unload) because we do not carry a barrow unless you have chosen our barrowed and stacked delivery option. Add to basket Out of stock Kindling Softwood £8.00 Quantity Delivery * Delivered Loose Stacked on Arrival (+£1) Prices include 5% VAT for domestic use; please contact us for bulk purchasing and business use. *Please note: If you select ‘Delivered Only’ when placing your order, but need barrow and/or stacking when we arrive, you will be charged a £25 surcharge (payable before we unload) because we do not carry a barrow unless you have chosen our barrowed and stacked delivery option. Add to basket Wicker Log Basket With removable cloth liner. Easy and convenient for moving logs from your outside storage to store them next to your fire indoors. Cloth liner keeps any small pieces of wood in the basket and not on your carpet. £25.00 Quantity Add to basket Gift Voucher for Wicker Log Basket With removable cloth liner. Easy and convenient for moving logs from your outside storage to store them next to your fire indoors. Cloth liner keeps any small pieces of wood in the basket and not on your carpet. £25.00 Quantity Voucher Purchaser Name *Recipient Name * Add voucher to basket Please note, there is currently up to a 2-3 week wait on log deliveries. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. × Dismiss this alert.